Like good health and youth, most of us take our locks for granted until they disappear. But, for several people, a hair transplant can help remove what appears to be complete or at least fuller hair.
If thinning or balding is bothering you, this procedure can be one method to feel more self-confident about your appearance. But first, talk to your doctor about what to expect throughout and after surgery.
What is a Hair Transplant?
It is a surgery that moves hair you already have to fill with sparse or no hair. Doctors have been performing these transplants in the US since the 1950s, but the techniques have changed significantly in recent years.
You usually have the procedure in a doctor’s office. First, the surgeon will clean your scalp and inject you with medicine to numb the back of your head. Then, your doctor will select one of two methods for transplantation: follicular strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).
Using FUSS, the surgeon removes a 6- to 10-inch strip of skin at the back of your head. Then, they put it aside and sew up the scalp. The hair around it immediately hides this area.
Expectation and Recovery
After surgery, your scalp may be susceptible. You may need to take pain medication for a few days. Your surgeon will have you wear bandages on the top of your head for at least a day or two. They may also prescribe an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory medication for a few days. Most people can return to work 2 to 5 days after surgery.
Within 2 to 3 weeks after the operation, the transplanted hair will fall out, but within a few months, you should start to see new growth. Most people will see 60% new hair growth after 6 to 9 months. Some surgeons prescribe the hair growth drug minoxidil (Rogaine) to improve hair growth after a transplant, but it’s unclear how well it works.
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