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Am I a Candidate for Facelift Surgery?

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A Candidate for Facelift Surgery

A Candidate for Facelift Surgery, When it comes to anti-aging, the best thing you can do for yourself is start early. There are instances where you need to get a facelift surgery to rejuvenate your looks. It isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly. The topic is a very delicate one that many people want to avoid talking about.

If you’re thinking of getting a facelift surgery, then the main question in your mind should be: am I eligible for such a procedure?

If You Are Bothered by Facial Wrinkles

A facelift is a surgical procedure that removes excess tissue and repositions muscles to give the face a more youthful appearance. If you are considering a facelift, it is important to understand what the surgery will and will not accomplish.

A facelift does not eliminate wrinkles or remove fat deposits. However, it can smooth out these areas of concern by removing excess skin and tightening underlying tissue that has become lax with age. The result is a more pleasing shape to the face and neck area with fewer visible wrinkles and folds.

If Your Age Is Appropriate

Younger patients tend to heal better than older patients because they have less risk of developing complications such as infection or poor wound healing due to decreased immune function with age. However, some surgeons believe that there are no ideal ages for facelift surgery because some younger people still have lax skin while others older than 60 years old have healthy skin and muscles that can withstand surgery well.

Your Weight

Your weight is one of the most important factors in determining whether you are a good candidate for a facelift. It’s not uncommon for people to lose up to 15 pounds after undergoing this procedure, which can give you an even better result. If you’re considering a facelift and are worried about losing weight, it may be worth the wait until you’re ready to lose some weight before undergoing the procedure.

Your Skin Type

Your skin type may also affect whether or not you’re eligible for having a facelift performed on yourself. People with dry skin types tend to fare well after undergoing this procedure because their skin tends to remain tight after healing from the surgery itself. People with oily or combination skin types may find that their scars take longer than normal to heal completely due to excess oil production in those areas.

General Health

If you are healthy, a facelift can be a great way to improve your appearance and enhance your self-esteem. Your general health is an important factor in determining whether you are a good candidate for this procedure. You should have no active infections or wounds on your face, neck, or chest. You should not be taking blood thinners such as aspirin or Plavix (clopidogrel).

A facelift is not recommended if you have significant medical problems such as heart disease or diabetes. If you have had previous surgery elsewhere on your body, such as breast reduction or tummy tuck, it is important that the scars from those procedures are fully healed before considering a facelift.

If You Are Not a Smoker

Smoking harms the skin and increases the chances of problems during surgery. Smoking is not only bad for your health, but it can also negatively affect your facelift results. If you smoke or have quit smoking within the past year, then you’re not a good candidate for a facelift procedure.

The reason is that smoking causes wrinkles and lines to form on the face faster than normal. As a result, smokers tend to have an older-looking appearance before they even reach middle age.Smoking also increases the risk of blood clotting, which is another complication that occurs during facelift surgery. Blood clots can cause pain and swelling in the neck area as well as difficulty breathing or swallowing if they block an artery in the neck region. These are potentially life-threatening complications that can occur if you smoke before or after facelift surgery.

If You Do Not Have a Strong Family History of Poor Wound Healing

If you have a strong family history of poor wound healing, you may not be a good candidate for surgery. The facelift is a very delicate procedure that involves making incisions and lifting the skin. The skin is lifted from behind the ear and pulled up to your cheekbone. These incisions are generally hidden in the hairline and are not visible to anyone who does not know what they are looking for.

If you have poor wound healing in your family, you may be at risk for poor wound healing after your facelift. If this is the case, it is best to wait until after you have had children before having a facelift surgery done. It is important to note that there are many factors that can affect how well your body heals after surgery, such as age, smoking status, diet and exercise habits, medications taken prior to surgery, genetics, and overall health status.

What Can You Expect After My Facelift?

After your surgery is completed, you will rest in bed while your body recovers from anesthesia and surgery. Your head will be elevated higher than your heart to help reduce swelling and aid drainage of blood from surgical areas. You will also receive oxygen through an oxygen mask so that your blood can absorb more oxygen into its cells.

You’ll wear an elastic bandage around your head after surgery to keep swelling down and to protect incision sites from rubbing against clothing or bedding; click here to learn more about facelift and recovery.

If you are wondering if you are in the right age range, frame of mind, and physical shape to undergo a facelift surgery, you can use the information presented in this article as a guide. By doing so, you will be able to make the right decision if you are thinking about undergoing such a procedure or have been told that you need a facelift because of your physical condition.